Control the Touch Keyboard on Windows 10 or 11 with TabTip Buddy.

Tabtip touch keyboard help (TabTip.exe).

TabTip Buddy is the ultimate Windows Touch keyboard helper.

TabTip Buddy is recommended by Microsoft

TabTip Buddy. Windows Touch keyboard helper. Also known as TabTip.exe
TabTipBuddy - Windows Touch keyboard helper, also known as TabTip.exe
TabTipBuddy - Windows Touch keyboard helper, also known as TabTip.exe
TabTipBuddy - Windows Touch keyboard helper, also known as TabTip.exe
TabTipBuddy - Windows Touch keyboard helper, also known as TabTip.exe

What do all these settings mean?

TabTipBuddy - Windows Touchkeyboard helper, also known as TabTip.exe
TabTipBuddy - Windows Touch keyboard helper, also known as TabTip.exe

How can I change the Windows touch keyboard settings?

Via 12 additional options you can change the Windows touch keyboard button and other options instantly. No log off or restart needed. From enabling or disabling the start up docked state or the auto invoke in desktop mode. You have multiple options to hide or show the wide mode, full mode, split mode, narrow mode, hand writing mode, the emoji button, allow text suggestions, allow feature language uninstall and the dictation button. And you can even disable the touch keyboard completely. No matter whether the touch keyboard button is visible or not, the useful part is that you do not have to log off or re-start Windows. TabTip Buddy will do all of this for you automatically and instantly.

Some of you might say that a lot of this is already possible via Windows settings. That is true, but would it not be much easier to be able to fully control the Windows touch keyboard settings with a small program and at the click of a few buttons and right from your Windows taskbar or system tray? TabTip Buddy is especially designed to do just that.

A few FAQ

Do I need to have the touch keyboard icon visible in the system tray for TabTip Buddy to work?
No you dont. TabTip Buddy can start the Windows touch keyboard on its own, even when the touch keyboard icon is not visible.

How can I enable the touch keyboard button on Windows 10 or 11?
With TabTip Buddy you can instantly show or hide the touch keyboard icon in the system tray.
You can easily do this in TabTip Buddy settings at the click of a button. No log off or PC restart needed.

How can I open the touch keyboard when in full screen mode without typing first?
You can simply keep the floating TabTip menu visible in the bottom right hand corner of your screen. That way you can open the Windows touch keyboard at the click of a button without having to type anything and you don’t need to come out of full screen mode.

How do I show or hide the touch keyboard layout buttons in the touch keyboard menu?
With 12 button options you can show or hide any of the touch keyboard menu buttons instantly. You do not have to log off or re-start Windows. All settings are applied instantly.

Can I show different touch keyboards to different Windows users?
As far as we know this is not possible as most of the touch keyboard settings are for the PC and not the user.

If you have any other questions about TabTip Buddy or the Windows touch keyboard please contact us.

Like what you have seen and read?
You can get TabTip Buddy from our shop.

TabTip Buddy. Windows Touch keyboard helper. Also known as TabTip.exe

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Your users privacy and your PC security is our priority. TabTip Buddy is 100% clean and safe to use. ALL Netkiosk versions are intended to make your life easier and keep your users happy. No spyware. No malware. No user data collection. No session tracking.

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