Windows 10 and 11 kiosk mode simplified!

Lock down your PCs into a secure kiosk mode, and restrict user access to one or more websites, with one of our world class kiosk software solutions.

Kiosk software for Windows 10 and 11.

Free kiosk software customization as standard, as no software program is ever 100% complete.

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Netkiosk imperi (and Netkiosk Edgekiosk)

Netkiosk imperi is professional kiosk software for Windows 11, 10, and MacOS. Chrome kiosk mode, Edge kiosk mode, Chromium kiosk mode. All in one powerful kiosk software application.

Instantly lock down Windows 10, 11 and give users access to a secure customizable kiosk browser.

Tabbed kiosk browser with back, forward and home buttons, including an address bar and print, zoom and reset icons.
Full-screen interactive display kiosk mode. (Hide the address and menu bars and run the kiosk browser in full screen digital signage mode)

Netkiosk kiosk software tabbed kiosk browser
Tabbed kiosk browser with address bar, home, back, forward buttons and quick icons.
Netkiosk kiosk software interactive display kiosk mode
Interactive display kiosk browser layout. (All menu bars are hidden)

Download Netkiosk Setup > Install Netkiosk > Start Netkiosk >
Open admin settings > Set your home page > Close admin settings > Done!
Netkiosk imperi uses its own custom version of Chromium, similar to the one used by Google Chrome.
It prioritizes security, and you can customize it to suit your needs.
Lock down your PCs into a secure kiosk mode.
Allow access only to a custom secure kiosk browser.
Netkiosk runs safe and secure, right on top of the Windows desktop.
No IT skills needed. Easy to manage. Works in any kiosk scenario.
Your current Windows settings are not affected.
Your privacy are our priorities. No spyware. No malware. No user data collection. No session tracking.
The admin can restrict access to one or more specific websites using the built-in white list filters.
This ensures users stay focused on authorized content.
Free customization is standard, as no software program is ever 100% complete.
Netkiosk has integrated cyber security capabilities.
Stops users tampering with the PCs and stops outside attacker from hacking your PCs.
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What is Netkiosk imperi?
Netkiosk Imperi is our bespoke kiosk software solution for windows 10 and 11 powered by Chromium, featuring comprehensive PC lockdown functionalities. Netkiosk Imperi enables immediate activation of secure kiosk mode on the PC. You can grant users access to a customized tabbed Chromium-based kiosk browser, which allows them to visit one or multiple permitted websites, or you can conceal the tabbed browser to operate Imperi in full-screen interactive display kiosk mode. This method allows access to a single website only. You can use Netkiosk in any kiosk lockdown scenario.

Flexible kiosk browser layout options with multiple kiosk browser possibilities.
Admin can choose to give users access to a fully tabbed kiosk browser or a full-screen display kiosk browser. As well as Chrome in kiosk mode or Edge in kiosk mode. Netkiosk has an easy-to-understand admin interface and can be used by non-IT experts.

Tabbed kiosk browser with back, forward and home buttons, including an address bar and print, zoom and reset icons.
Admin can give users access to a tabbed kiosk browser with forward, back and home buttons as if they are using a normal browser. The big difference is that users cannot close the kiosk browser, and the PC is locked down also. Furthermore admin can customize the kiosk browser options via secure admin settings where admin can enable the white list filter to only allow a number of websites, or show a custom bookmark menu with pre-set bookmark links. Netkiosk imperi is one of the best kiosk browsers with forward, back, home buttons, and an address bar. A kiosk browser layout that users are familiar with, but with controllable kiosk mode restrictions.

Full-screen interactive display kiosk mode. (Hide the address and menu bars and run the kiosk browser in full screen digital signage mode)
Admin can change the browser start up layout from tabbed kiosk browser to full screen interactive display kiosk mode. In this mode the browser tab, address bar and menu toolbars are fully hidden.

Touch screen compatible kiosk browser. In both layout scenarios the kiosk browser is touch screen compatible.

How does Netkiosk imperi work?
On top of the Windows desktop, Netkiosk Imperi runs in full screen. The user cannot access any other parts of the PC. The user can only browse the website(s) you have allowed in admin settings.
The admin can restrict access to one or more specific websites using the built-in white list and content filters. This ensures users stay focused on authorized content.

How does Netkiosk imperi differ from a normal browser?
At Netkiosk, we created a custom Chromium-powered kiosk browser. Chromium is also used by Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Opera, and other common browsers. However, advanced kiosk mode and PC lockdown are difficult, if not impossible, to achieve using a standard browser. The custom Chromium kiosk browser has been specifically designed for kiosk software applications. It prioritizes security, and you can customize it to suit your needs. Our custom Chromium kiosk browser is thus completely adaptable, with features and options that can be changed or added based on the customer’s requirements. At Netkiosk we have specialized in the developed of PC lockdown applications and custom kiosk browsers since 2011.

How do I start Netkiosk imperi?
You can start Netkiosk imperi via a desktop shortcut, the start menu, or let Netkiosk imperi start automatically after the user logs in. Advanced start up options are also available.

Does NetKiosk imperi change my Windows settings?
No. Netkiosk makes no permanent changes to your Windows operating system. The PC lockdown feature is built into Netkiosk. When Netkiosk imperi launches, the PC is immediately locked into secure kiosk mode. When the administrator closes NetKiosk, the PC is immediately fully unlocked and returns to the Windows desktop.

Multilanguage version.
Netkiosk admin settings support German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hindi. You can change the language settings in minutes if your language is not listed.

Enhanced security.
Netkiosk protects your PC from internal and external attacks. Users cannot download or install programs or malware locally or online while Netkiosk runs, increasing PC and network security.
Update capacities are not built into Netkiosk for security and peace of mind. Netkiosk cannot receive remote updates automatically or manually. And for good reason!

Usage possibilities.
Ideal for digital signage. Ideal for interactive displays. Control office PCs. Interactive shop terminals. Public transport digital signage. Interactive transport terminals. Factory staff terminals. Protect clock-in terminals. Tourism digital signage. Interactive tourism terminals. Aviation digital signage. Interactive aviation terminals. Secure military use. Any many more.

22 November 2024: Our brand new stand-alone Microsoft EdgeKiosk version is now available.
Both Netkiosk imperi and Netkiosk EdgeKiosk are identical. The only difference is that Netkiosk imperi uses our custom Chromium Browser and Netkiosk EdgeKiosk uses Microsoft Webview.
Depending on your website design and requirements one might work better for you than the other.

Some useful information before you decide to download Netkiosk.
The download is fully working without any restrictions, but it is an unlicensed version. We will never have any advertising on Netkiosk and only make money from license fees. Unlike most products you use we never collect any user information. You will never see something like “Us and our 1000 partners want to know everything about you!” Hence the reason we do not need to use cookies our main website. This means that your users privacy is a lot more secure when you use Netkiosk. The nature of our software is that it is simply not designed to show advertising. It is as simple as that! Any website you decide to use that shows advertising is entirely out of our control. We do not control the websites you decide to run inside Netkiosk.

What is the difference between these two Netkiosk versions?

Netkiosk imperi and Netkiosk Edgekiosk are identical in layout and the admin settings are virtually identical.
The main difference is that Netkiosk imperi uses Chromium and Netkiosk Edgekiosk uses Microsoft Edge webview. You can install both versions side by side and see which one works best for you. The Chromium files needed by imperi are the biggest part of the installation. Netkiosk EdgeKiosk does not need these.

What Microsoft says:

“Netkiosk kiosk applications are designed to simplify securing your PC and providing controlled access to specific websites. They are user-friendly and do not make permanent changes to your Windows system. Explore the possibilities with Netkiosk!”


Netkiosk imperi Admin settings.
The Netkiosk EdgeKiosk admin settings are virtually identical.
You can use this page for both Netkiosk versions.

On first installation: No admin pin is needed to open admin settings as this is not set yet.

How to open admin settings before, or after you have set an admin pin.

  • In tabbed browser mode: Click the menu icon in the top right hand corner and click login.
  • In any kiosk browser layout using a keyboard: On your keyboard press Alt + F5 or Ctrl + i.
  • In any kiosk browser layout or on a touch screen. Click or press in the bottom left hand corner of the screen and admin login will open. See the bottom of this page.
Netkiosk kiosk software admin login

Set your home page and change the browser layout.
This is usually the only website you want to grant access to. Change the default home page to your company or organizations website.

White list and content filter. This is optional.
Enter the keywords that are allowed in the url. Usually, your main website name is enough, as that is always constant. You can add other website names of the websites you want to give access to.

How does this content filter work?
Netkiosk will detect the allow keyword in the url and will allow the entire website. If the keyword is not found in the url, the user is simply sent back to the homepage you have set in admin settings. That is all there is to it. We first developed this unique content and white list filter way back in 2012, and it has since then proven to be 100% reliable. For instance, if you also have a Facebook page that is called Facebook/mycompany, then users can visit your Facebook page also. However, as soon as they think they can browse to other parts of Facebook, the mycompany keyword will then no longer be in the Facebook url. The user is then simply sent back to your Netkiosk home page.

Tabbed kiosk browser or full-screen interactive display kiosk mode.
Turn on full-screen kiosk mode if you do not want your users to use the tabbed kiosk browser. In display kiosk mode, all menu bars are hidden, making Netkiosk ideal for interactive display kiosks. You have the option to show the floating navigation panel. This may be useful if you run Netkiosk without menu bars. Touch-screen keyboards are, of course, also available.

Open admin login when no admin login button is visible.
To access admin login in interactive display kiosk mode, press Ctrl + i, or if that is not possible (touch screen), press in the bottom left of the screen. More at the bottom of this page.

Netkiosk kiosk software admin settings set your homepage

The admin pin and idle time reset timer. Set your admin pin.
Maximum 10 numbers. You use this pin each time you need to open admin settings.

You can enable the auto-reset timer.
This automatically resets the user’s session after x minutes. A warning popup will appear to tell the user that Netkiosk is about to reset. The user has the option to cancel the reset if they need to continue some work they were doing. Netkiosk will clear all browser history, cookies, and session history on reset.

Reset settings to default.
There is also an option to instantly reset all the settings back to default.

Netkiosk kiosk software admin pin and reset timer manager

Custom bookmarks menu.
You can enable the bookmark menu bar and give access to extra websites. Admin can edit the websites and names here. If the white list is enabled in the first admin tab, make sure you add the bookmark site names to your white list as well. Only the website name (like a keyword) is needed in the white list. Not the entire https:/www. etc. Netkiosk checks the url for keywords, not the entire website.

Show or hide icons.
By default, the user has access to the Print, Camera, Volume, and zoom buttons. Admin can instantly hide these in admin settings.

Netkiosk kiosk software bookmarks and icons manager

Custom popup manager and Popup dialogs blocker.
By default, ALL Windows dialogs and popups are automatically blocked by Netkiosk. If you want to allow a specific popup, you simply enter the popup window header text here. The header text usually shows top left in the popup window. You do not need the entire text. Part of it will also work.

Netkiosk kiosk software popup manager

Using touch screen keyboards.
Important when using the Windows Touch keyboard on Windows 10 or 11! Windows Touch keyboard keys hiding on touch screens in Windows 10 or 11? You need to turn these off for the Windows Touch keyboard to show properly when using Netkiosk imperi. The reason for this is that the popup blocker detect this text and will therefore close the keyboard.

Turn Off “Show text suggestions as I type”.
Under the “Touch Keyboard” section, you’ll see an option called “Show text suggestions as I type.” Toggle this option to the “Off” position. By turning off this setting, you should disable text suggestions on the Touch Keyboard in Windows 11


How to close and shut down Netkiosk. Latest version. (Currently on our site).
Netkiosk Shut down button is clearly visible in admin settings. There is also a Netkiosk shut down option in the menu bar. When admin presses one of these buttons Netkiosk closes instantly, and the PC is instantly unlocked back to the Windows desktop. You also have the option to sign out, restart, or shut down Windows directly from within Netkiosk admin settings. Users have no access to the Netkiosk shut down options. It is impossible for a user to close Netkiosk.

Netkiosk kiosk software admin shut down

The new multilingual admin pages. You can use Netkiosk in any language.
We have added a number of default languages to help you with the settings in your own language. The language options are for the admin settings only, as the user will not need these. We have quick translate buttons for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hindi. For instance, if you select Italian (IT) the next time you open the admin panel, then all settings will show up in Italian. You can also edit the text help file in the default languages, as we have used Google Translate for these, so in case they might contain a few grammar or spelling errors, you can correct them. You can always visit our website for setup instructions.

Using a different language.
You can switch the admin language settings instantly from English (default) to German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Hindi. You can also translate and edit all the settings into your own language. If your language is not listed, or if we have made a few mistakes, you can simply edit the text boxes to change the admin menu text. Click SAVE/RELOAD, and the settings text is instantly updated.

Edit any underlined text field.
You can edit and change any underlined text field to your own or to a different language. Put your cursor on the text and edit it. These are actually text boxes. Next time you open admin settings, your own language will show.

Configure the Netkiosk settings. The screen shots below are in English. In Netkiosk Admin settings, you can change the language to one of the custom languages we have added. If your language is not listed, you can easily translate the settings help pages to your own language. You can also edit and translate any of the underlined text to your own text or language.


How to automatically start Netkiosk when the PC starts.
You can instantly enable or disable Netkiosk auto-start. Netkiosk will automatically start after the kiosk user logs in. Netkiosk can run in shell mode, but this is not included by default. The reason for this is that it is a slightly more complex Windows setting that should only be used by IT experts.

Show or hide the Ctrl + Alt + Del options Windows menu.
For security reasons Microsoft does not allow you to completely disable the Ctrl +Alt + Del shortcuts. Instead, you can hide the icons on the options screen when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del. Simply press Ctrl + Alt + Del OFF to hide the icons or Ctrl + Alt + Del ON to show the icons. For IT experts or anyone familiar with the Windows registry, we have included the Ctrl + Alt + Del registry files in the installation folder of the Netkiosk.

Netkiosk kiosk software auto start and Ctrl + Alt + Del manager

How to open the admin panel in display kiosk mode. You can use this option in any Netkiosk layout.

  1. Click in the bottom left hand corner to open the admin panel. There is an invisible button in the bottom left corner.
  2. You can also press in this area when using a touch screen.
  3. You can also press Alt + F5 or Ctrl + i.
Netkiosk kiosk software hidden admin